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Marketing Services



15 hours


Unlimited hours 






Marketing & PR


Marketing Design




5 hours


8 hours 






Social Media Promotions


Media Blast (Smaller Audience)


Media Blast (Larger Audience)


Sneak Peek Boost 








Cover Reveals




5-7 Blogs/Sites


Unlimited Blogs/Sites 






Marketing Design is a key component to any promotional strategy. Depending on your needs and interests we will custom design bookmarks, postcards, posters, and any other advertising media you need to get the word out about your newly published book.


Advertising is not just for events you also need banners made for social media, websites, and ads for sites your are looking to be hosted on. Don't worry these are also included in our Marketing Design Package. 


(You request the materials you are interested in and we will make the designs happen. The amount of materials will depend on the hours you purchase. As of right now we offer the choice between 5 hours or 8 hours. We don't cover print costs in our prices listed. We will help you look for the best materials and price points to stay in your overall budget.) 

Marketing and PR share your goals which include, but aren't limited to, promoting clients and making them as successful, honest, important, exciting and relevant as possible to their fans.


When you're ready to protect, enhance or build your reputation through the media, we'll be your strategic partner to help you succeed. We understand that it takes time to build your brand and we will help you accomplish whatever your goals to get you where you want to be.


Our Marketing and PR Packages are custom fit to your needs and expectations, while your personalized marketing consultant(s) will guide you every step of the way! Give us your 'wish list' and we'll work hard to ensure that you and your books are uniquely represented in a one of a kind experience for you and your readers. 

The hardest obstacle for any author is utilizing social media in there release campaign. You have to be able to create a snappy image/slogan to get customers to click on your ad.


Let us take this weight off your shoulders by combining one of our Social Media Promotion items to your Marketing Design Package. We will design an ad that will draw attention.


(First you pick from our items below. Then you select your audience range and we will do the heavy lifting for you. Sneak Peek Boosts are excellent to include with Cover Reveals and Memes right before a book release.)

You're cover is finalized and your getting close to your release date. You need to find ways to get yourself out there and getting notice for your book. The best way to start off any release campaign is a Cover Reveal.


What we will do is find high trafficed blogs/websites to feature your newly designed cover. Depending on the item you purchase below will depend on the reach you will have with your promotion. 


(You pick the amount of exposure you are looking for and we search for blogs/websites that fit into your genre. We will also work with you in creating content to go along with your cover reveal to increase excitement.)

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